Wednesday 23 February 2011


I love what people can do.  I saw this on Facebook today and I spent so much time watching it over and over and over again.  I love Beardyman - I think what he does is just hilarious, but this really is something else.


I Hate Goodbyes!

Aren't they just awful!

They are possibly the worst thing ever.  Why was that word even invented?  Why couldn’t people just not say anything at all and then we wouldn’t have to get upset about not seeing someone.  There wouldn’t be anything to say to them, so we could just turn around and walk off.  Although, I suppose then we’d say couldn’t we have a word to say “goodbye”.  Hmm

Today, I left my Dad.  I hate saying goodbye to him.  Everytime I am supposed to go to his, I dread it because I always feel I need to impress him.  Yet, when I’m there, I always have such a wonderful  time.  
This time, Elspeth and her family were there.  When I was little, I was terrified of my “step-aunt” but yesterday when she arrived, I realised she was no where near as terrifying as I thought she was. 

At one stage, I never used to find saying goodbye to my Dad at all difficult.  I went through a stage where I really hated going to his house and it was always a joy to leave it, but now I’m older, I think I appreciate things a lot more and appreciate being able to jet off for a skiing holiday and visit him.   A lot of people envy me because he lives abroad, but I would honestly love nothing more than for him to be in England.  At least then I could see him when I wanted to and could see him more than twice a year!

I have been in tears all morning dreading the point where I have to say that awful word and watch him waving from the platform.  There’s always one image that’s stuck in my head, like the other day when he looked at me and said “I think I might have a hamburger.  I haven’t had one in years!”.  They’re often really silly things like that, but I’m not used to seeing them.  It’s so wonderful to see his face light up with an enormous smile on it when he thinks of something good.  That’s what I’m always left thinking when I leave him.  It never helps when I miss him, because suddenly that gorgeous little lit up face pops up in my mind which seems to make everything so much worse.

Already,  I want to go back, but I need to find a date.  With University semester dates, coursework and deadlines, it makes coming out so much more difficult, which is why I only end up seeing him once and, sometimes if I’m lucky!?, twice a year. 

I miss him so much, but I must remember that he chooses (ish) to be out there and even if he did come back into England, he wouldn’t be able to live here for more than 90 days.

Isn’t it stupid how people being nice to you can often make you so much more upset.  You would have thought that people being nice to you would make everything better, but to cheer me up, people are sending me texts and giving me hugs.  Part of me is extremely grateful to them, but the other half of me just wants them to leave me along.  I just want to get home and get back into the normal routine of things.  Obviously I’d love to come back out, but when I get home, I’ll have to have a look at my dates and try and work something out.

I love my Dad, I really do.  I just hope he knows that and realises just how much I miss him. 

Saturday 8 January 2011

I love productive days!

So, what I have I done today?
A couple of days ago (I think it was the first or second of January) I mentioned that my mum had a go at me for not being as adventurous as I used to be, not getting off my bum and all that jazz.

The last couple of days, I've really been trying to pull all the stops out. I've written my CV so I can apply to places and I've started looking at potentials, already.

I found a perfect job at the BBC, which is following the early morning breakfast show on radio 1 (how perfect!!) I've spent so long trying to apply, answering the questions as best as I can and now I've finally sent off the form. When I sent it off, I was so excited. First step done.
I've found a presenting job for science workshops for children, so i'm trying to work my CV to fit in with that.
I've written back to my old school to see if they could possibly take me for a couple of days work experience and if I could take any classes within that.

As much as I hate to admit it, i'm quite glad she gave me a kick up the bum. I've been finding the last couple of days really exciting. The only thing I haven't done, is get on with my research project! Oops!
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Happy Days

So, last night, I had my dinner cooked for me! The boyfriend came in and was hungry. As a joke, I said to him 'well go and cook dinner then'.
He looked at me, but eventually got up and went into the kitchen. He cooked me the most gorgeous stirfry. That was his first attempt at a stirfry and his second attempt at cooking for me in two and a half years!

Hmmm, well I was chuffed with that. I thought it was really sweet and thoughtful.

Bless him!
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Thursday 6 January 2011

Rainy days.

Rainy days are never very inspiring are they!

I've finally booked my skiing trip to see my Dad, but instead of feeling excited about it, i'm feeling the exact opposite. I'm absolutely dreading going out to see him and I found out, shortly after agreeing dates, that my Step-mother and her family were also going to be there. (The two things I really can't stand!).

Unfortunately, when I am stressed, or worried about something, I feel sick. This means I don't eat anything and people worry about me which makes me more stressed. Last time I was at their house, I was fed fish (which I'm allergic to) and had the Flu (first time I've ever had it).

I'm already terrified about going, so I've already started feeling sick. I'm so scared the same is going to happen as last time and i'm scared they think i'm going to have an eating disorder.

Today, it's raining. It puts such a horrible blanket over the world. It makes everyone feel totally sad and depressed. This definitely isn't helping me.

I wish I could find a way of being able to ignore things. Like when Joe and I have an argument, the same thing happens. I don't know what to do, but I just wish, that somewhere there is going to be a little tummy God who sorts it out for me.

*fingers crossed*
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Tuesday 4 January 2011

The mess caused by my found sounds piece.

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Found Sounds.

Ok, so one of my pieces of coursework for uni was creating a found sounds piece. This is where we have to wonder around the house to find things to bash and play in the attempt to create a piece of music.
Although we didn't have to write a blog, I thought I would record it on here because it would be worth remembering in the future.

I found things like glasses, bowls and pans made brilliant sounds. When they were hit, they had a very reverberant sound which could easily be manipulated and edited.

I tied several elastic bands around chairs and pinged them. This created the perfect 'bass' sound. Actually, i'm most proud of this one!

I recorded all the sounds I had and put them into Logic. I right clicked and 'concert to new sampler track'. This then puts them into ESX24. It made it so much easier to work with. Before, I had been dragging everything by hand which is so much more hard work.

So then I listened to Diego Stocco, who I think is incredible! He makes the most amazing music out of the strangest things. I'd never think about using a bonsai tree to create music.

For some reason, I can't upload the photo because my phone is being silly, but when I get the chance, I will upload it through my laptop.

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It's only the third of January and there's already too much happening.

So last night, I ended up having one of those awful 'life talks' from my mum. Not only was I told I had no friends, I was also told I had a shit CV. I was also told that I've lost my sense of humour, have no personality and need to lighten up.

So this made me think (as much as I hate to admit it) but maybe I should re think my new years resolutions (or maybe even add these on)

1) Apply to Surrey Arts to become a teacher
2) Apply to the BBC for some work experience
3) Find some more work experience which would help towards teaching and also golf
4) Spend more time with the girls from uni.

I found out yesterday that the group of girls I spent all my time with at school, have pretty much dropped me. I'm now no longer invited to anything. They all had a gathering at New Years Eve, but I was the only one who wasn't invited. I know it's pointless having people in your life who obviously don't care about you, infact aren't even in your life, but it's made me more determined to make more friends at uni. The only thing I find difficult is how we have so much work to do. If I have a free minute in the day, I go home and work on my coursework. Maybe that should be a new years resolution too:

Try and get the work to play ratio more balanced.

This, for me, if a tricky one, but also very much needed.
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Monday 3 January 2011

Posting via mobile!

Ok, so this is exciting! I've just realised you can do such a thing, so now i'm having fun and trying to think of something I can write in here.

I think i'll take a picture now, just to prove how clever this whole thing is. Haha.

Anyway, i'll write something half decent later, but until then... Bye bye!

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The end of a decade!

Wow, so last year seems to have flown past so incredibly quickly!  Where did it go?

As always, people start the year making a whole load of resolutions.  I've never been someone who does that sort of thing, but I think, this year, I'm going to give it a try.  

I haven't thought a huge amount about it, but a couple of things came to mind:

1)  Spend more time working and less time on Facebook
2) Put some money away each week to save up for a big holiday
3) Try and be less touchy and more patient.

I know they may sound a little random, but for me, I think they're quite good ones.  I spend so much time on Facebook, it's ridiculous.  If I was doing a degree in it, I would get a first without a doubt!  I wish I didn't.  I've even done things like getting people to change the password on my account so I couldn't log in, but when they do that, I realise just how much people actually use Facebook now.  Even University uses it to notify us of any new information.   I realised I couldn't do this, so I had to log back onto it, but now, of course, I'm spending far too long on it and not enough time working.

Putting money away.... I've always loved my holidays, but this year, I don't think will be such a great year for them.  My boyfriend and I are putting some money away so we can go on a big trip in 2012 (gosh, that's only next year!)  We haven't yet decided where we'd like to go, but I think both of us would like to go long distance, to somewhere like Thailand or America (Las Vegas and New York).  I've already been to New York, but Joe has never been.  I have never been to Las Vegas, but this is by far, Joe's best holiday.  Our plan is for him to show me around the party capital and for me to show him around the big apple.  
As much as I would love to go to America, part of me wants to go somewhere different.  I've been to America a couple of times now, so I'd like to see somewhere different.  This is where Thailand pops up. I've always wanted to go to Australia but so many people from my school went there for their gap year.  This put me off slightly because it made me think it was "an England moved abroad".  One of my friends went to Thailand and came back with the most incredible pictures and stories.  Thailand is also a place that has been on my list for a while, but never very high up.  Anyway, now I would love to go, so I'm saving up big time to have an incredible trip and fulfil my travelling ambitions.

3)  I must admit, this is going to be hard for me.  I used to be incredibly laid back and patient, but now as soon as I'm stressed, I seem to take it out on Joe.  Obviously I feel absolutely terrible and towards the end of the last term of uni, we had so many arguments.  At one point, I thought we were going to split up, so it really made me realise how much I need him (ugh, how cheesy and cliched... unfortunately, though, it's true!). We made a promise that we weren't going to argue until, at least, after Christmas.  This went really well and we had no arguments at all, which was awesome.  This makes me think that if we really tried, then we could actually have no arguments.  I thought maybe I could start using this blog more and I could write stuff down on here.  I don't know if that would work, but it's better than constantly having arguments isn't it!

Saturday 13 November 2010

29) References.


AnIrishMansJukeBox, 2008: ‘The Chieftains – Women Of Ireland (Mná na h-Éireann)’ accessed 11/10/10

Babalooy, 2007: ‘Blue Man Group – Baba O’Riley’, accessed 5/10/10

Bushroot, 2007: ‘Paris, Oct. 61 (chanson de La Tordue)’, accessed 14/10/10

Cerridwen, 2006: ‘Sinead O’Connor &the Chieftains – The Foggy Dew’, accessed 15/10/10

Charlie, 2008: 'Demystifying the Creative Process', accesed 18/10/10

Chieftains, The 2008:, accessed 14/10/10

Corrs, The, 2008: accessed 16/10/10

Danielgondimcorr, 2007: ‘The Corrs – Breathless’, accessed 18/10/10

DansingSteps, 2008: 'Riverdance – Eurovision Song Contest 1994 Dublin', accessed 17/10/10

Deanodubb, 2007: 'Blue Man Group – Drumbone (Last Call Vegas)' accessed10/11/10.

Haveerf, 2007: 'Michael Flatley Lord of the dance', accessed 11/10/10

Heile, Bjorn, 2009:Weltmusik and the Globalization of New Music (Farnham: Ashgate Publishing)

Nimue9, 2007: ‘ Gaelic Storm – “Kiss Me, I’m Irish” ’, accessed 25/10/10

O'Brien, Jamie, 2010: The Chieftains"
Paula GH, 2009: ‘The Corrs – Runaway (Official video HQ)’. accessed 19/10/10

Sampler1988, 2009: 'Steve Reich – Different Trains (Part 1)', accessed 12/10/10

Sinead O'Connor, 2010:'Connor-9542316 accessed 14/10/10

Stomponline, 2008: ‘Brooms’, accessed 10/11/10

Stomponline, 2008: ‘Suspension’, accessed 10/11/10

Thenet579, 2009: ‘Under the bridges of Paris’, accessed 12/10/10

The Show 2010:, accessed 26/10/10

Totof1964, 2007: ‘Rue de Panam – Ogres de Barback’, accessed 13/10/10

Ursakki, 2008: ‘Titanic Dance Music’, accessed 27/10/10

What is Blue Man Group?, 2008:, accessed 7/11/10

28) The Final products

So finally, here are my compositions.

There isn't really much to say about these- I've explained everything about them in the last 27 posts.  I hope you enjoy them and I hope by reading my blog, it makes each of my ideas and thoughts slightly clearer...

Irish Jig.
This piece starts with a person flicking through holiday brochures deciding where to go.  They then decide which country they would like to travel to (Ireland).  The aeroplane can be heard on the runway, followed by the announcement over the speakers from the Captain.  This is when the Irish jig starts.  

"The Sounds of Golf"
A composition using recorded sounds from the golf course.

27) What would I do differently in my golf composition?

Making Changes - Golf Composition. 

Obviously, I would like to spend more time on these compositions and finish them to a higher standard, but unfortunately, due to time restraints, I am unable to do so.  However, if I could and if this coursework was purely marked on the composition, I would like to make it more interesting by including more "tuned instruments". 

For example, often when I am down at the driving range, people use their drivers and hit the big metal pillars behind them.  This creates a "ping" sound, which could either be used as a cymbal or as a triangle.  Although I wanted to record this sound, I wasn't prepared to use my own clubs to hit the pillar.  I tried using several other tools, like broom handles, spanners and hedge cutters, but none of these created the sound I was looking for.  

I would also liked to have used EXS24 to manipulate sounds like laughter, talking, whistling and the various machinery used on a golf course.  However, again, unfortunately although I have captured the laughter, talking and whistling, the machines were not on the golf course when I was there.    

Although there are many things I would like to change, I am also very pleased with the result of this composition.  I usually find it difficult to "lose control" with my music, so I found this an enormous challenge.  

When starting to compose this composition, I didn't feel at all comfortable.  I felt very unprepared and felt like I needed to have things written down so I knew what I was doing.

Looking back now, I realise I don't always need to be in control.  Part of the fun of music is letting yourself go and creating pieces you didn't know you could.  I discovered, throughout this process, that because I wasn't being controlled, my music was able to reflect my moods and not become another piece containing the usual arranged and conventional notation.

After completing this piece of music, I now feel more at ease stepping outside my comfort zone, taking a step into the unknown and composing as ideas come to mind.  

26) What would I do differently in my Irish Jig?

I was amazed at how drastically my ideas changed.  Originally I had started by considering composing a minimalist piece, based on Steve Reich.  I ended up composing an Irish Jig.  There isn't much more of a contrast than those two genres.

When I saw my tutor, he mentioned that the accordion part is "unplayable".  Never having played the accordion, I didn't realise this.  Although it is in error, I haven't changed it, because that was part of my journey.  If my composition was the key area for this project, then obviously I would have changed it.  

I thought I knew a lot of Irish music, but by doing this project, I have introduced myself to many more bands I'd never even heard about.  Some of these (like Gaelic Storm) even turned into my biggest influences.  

Obviously, it depends on how your mind works and what your individual process is when starting to compose a piece of music.  However, I never realised how similar it was to booking a holiday.  There are so many areas involved in composing, which I hadn't thought about, before.  

Along my own personal journey, I have discovered how important other people are in the planning.  Without talking to others, I wouldn't have discovered many of the bands and artists I did.  I have always found it difficult to take other peoples suggestions into account but looking back on this, I've become aware of the importance of this.  

Overall, I am pleased with this piece of work but as Dr Sansom pointed out, I have stayed in my comfort zone.  Although at first, I was horrified by the thought of composing a piece that was "unconventional" I am glad he persuaded me to try.  

25) Snippets from the Audio recordings.

Audio Recordings.

I have included some little snippets of the recordings I collected whilst undertaking this piece of coursework.  I haven't included the full length of some of the tracks, because many of the recordings lasted over an hour.  To record the sounds, I used an Olympus WS-100 digital voice recorder. 

Practice swing on the course. 

Putting on the green when an ambulance was driving past.

Driver Hit (Used for the bass drum of my track)

Birds tweeting (Used to create the atmosphere at the beginning of my track)

A practice swing on the driving range.  (Whipping Sound)

Footsteps (Can be heard at the beginning of my piece and also used to create a Snare Drum sound.

Ball rolling into the hole (heard at the end of my piece)

Hitting Balls from the grass

Driving Range atmosphere

24) Golf Courses - The beauty of them.

23) Hindhead Golf Club.

Playing Golf at Hindhead.

On Sunday 7th November, I played a golf match at Hindhead Golf Club.  I arrived an hour an a half early (I misjudged the traffic, slightly!!) so thought I would make the most of this spare time and roughly plan the direction of my composition.  Unfortunately, the only material I could find to write on, was a disposable bath mat.  However, that was better than nothing!

I sat in the Clubhouse and wrote down all of the sounds which I heard.  These included people talking, Tea  Cups and plates, dishwashers, laughter, whistling, Bells, the television, footsteps, the till opening and closing and the rattling of Golf Clubs.

When I moved outside, I heard people hitting golf balls on the range, tractors, the range ball machine cleaning balls, a person shouting "fore", people talking, more footsteps, people putting on the green, the pro-shop door opening and closing, birds, trees and someone sneezing.

Moving back inside, I tried to work out which of these sounds I could use.  I ended up ruling out the indoors sounds, because nothing stood out which would make it sound specifically like a golf club.  Hearing plates and laughter, could have been in a coffee shop, a restaurant, a nursing home or a house.

I tried to imagine a story, which I could try and compose.  I thought about starting with birds singing, to create the general ambience of a golf club.  Then I could hear footsteps, crunching leaves followed by the rattling of clubs, as the golfer was carrying his clubs.
There would then be a  pause (other than the birds), a deep breath and then a sigh. This would be to represent what I love most about the golf course - fresh air!

I was thinking of then fading the driving range sounds in, which I recorded before, then gradually cutting this up, so there was only one club (which was the driver) to create a beat.

I recorded the sound of a "whipping" club (the sound of someone taking a practice swing, without hitting the ball). I thought this could also be put into the sampler and could be used as a snare drum with a "reverse gate" on it.

For any extra tuned sounds, I thought about using "sculpture" in Logic and setting it to a wooden sound, to reflect the trees and also the "wood" clubs.

Between each section, I considered playing the clip of the tractor, which would drive from one speaker to the other.

22) Manipulating the recorded sounds.

Manipulating The Recorded Sounds and Beginning the Composition.

After seeing the quote I have mentioned on the previous page, I decided I would reflect the power of rhythm, by creating the strongest part of my rhythm section (the bass drum), using the most powerful golf club. This was the driver. 

For the snare drum, I used a recording of someone topping the ball.

For both the “Bass Drum” and the “snare drum”, I changed the EQ. 

For the Bass Drum (Driver), I boosted the bass and took out any high frequencies.
For the snare drum, I took out all the frequencies below 1000 Hz and increased the frequencies between 4550Hz and 6000 Hz.

I didn't want to manipulate the sounds too much, because I wanted to try and use the raw recorded sounds and not take away from the fact that it was a composition about golf.  

I also didn't actually plan what each “instrument” was going to play.  I laid down the most powerful track first, which was the bass drum.  I played this on every beat to create a “four-on-the-floor” feel. I then changed this and decided to play the Bass Drum on the first and third beat of the bar.  

When I was down on the driving range recording sounds, I was lucky enough to catch a girl laughing.  The driving range is made of corrugated iron and because of this, it is very reverberant.  After the girl laughed, it echoed and sounded like it was pitched note.  I have cut this out of the recording and put it into EXS24.  I changed the pitch bend to "12", which meant the pitch bend has a range of 2 octaves (1 octave above the note and 1 octave below the note.) I then created a very simple 70's synth.  Again, I didn't want to create anything too complicated, because I didn't want to detract from the rhythms.  

70s synth bass by fionastannard

The only Logic midi instrument I used was the "Poly Fat Bass"  I have kept this simple so it doesn't overcrowd the rhythm section.  

After this, I pressed the record button before I had a chance to work out what I was going to play.  I felt uncomfortable doing this, because I'm used to planning everything and knowing exactly what I'm doing, before I start. 

As difficult as it was, I have tried to avoid changing anything I have recorded.  This meant I couldn't think about what I had just written and alter it, which was what I was trying to get away from doing.

21) Blue Man Group

 Blue Man Group.

Although Blue Man Group is not based purely on rhythms, I was still influenced by this group, when I was composing my piece. 

“Blue Man Group” is known for the theatrical shows and concerts which combine music, comedy and multimedia to produce a totally unique form of entertainment.”
One of Blue Man Group's original music, “Audio”, was nominated for a Grammy.
They have performed on many American television shows such as “The Tonight Show”, “Ellen”, “Regis & Kelly”, “Scrubs” and “Arrested Development”.

As well as performing, they have many family-focused educational projects, including a touring Children's Museum exhibit, “Making Waves”

However, although the company is rapidly expanding, they still “remain true to its vision of providing exciting experiences in a variety of media, appealing to a broad range of age groups and cultural backgrounds.”  Again, I thought this emphasised the importance of music in people’s lives, which is also why this was a big influence in my composition.

The Blue Man Group use every-day objects/ general household objects, to create their music.  This was the main reason I watched this group.  As I have been so classically trained, trying to create music with something other than instruments, was unimaginable.  I had real difficulty coming up with any ideas for this.  However, I then realised, after watching both Stomp and Blue Man Group, that it wasn't actually that difficult

20) Stomp


Stomp is all about rhythm, which is common to all cultures.  Therefore, it doesn't matter whether, the listener prefers Jazz, Classical, Dance or Pop, Stomp should still appeal to all ages and people.

Whilst researching Stomp, I saw a quote “Everyone knows rhythm, if only from the beating of their own heart – it is the basis of all music.”  After seeing this, I decided I was going to make my piece very simple, melodically, but try and create quite complex rhythms. 
“Stomp is a group of people, with a very strong personalities, who work together using simple building blocks to create something complex, something everyone can identify with: everyone has, at some time, to engage in group activity, whether they like or know the people they are working with or not.  It's the little idiosyncrasies, the differences between people, and the games of upmanship, that ensue, which define the group dynamic” (Stomp: 2010)

19) A Change of Direction

A Change of Direction.

Thinking I was finished this project, I saw my lecturer for a tutorial.  He talked to me for a while about “loosing control” and taking myself out of my comfort zone.

We talked for a while about my interests and finally came to the conclusion I should try and compose a piece of music about golf. 

Always having been classically trained, I found the thought of this quite daunting.  My thoughts were to do a piece of ambient music, but then decided that was too obvious.  I wanted this piece of coursework to help me overcome some issues I have with certain pieces of software, so I decided I would experiment with using the sampler, EXS24.

I still didn't know what direction I was going to take this piece, so I headed down to the local golf club and recorded all the sounds I heard.  These included: The general ambience, outside (for example, trees rustling, birds and the general chatter of people)

I then moved onto the driving range and recorded the sounds around me.  Unfortunately, whilst recording, a girls school arrived for a group lesson.  Unfortunately, this can obviously be heard throughout the recording.

I came back home and listened back through what I had just recorded and realised I could create a rhythm section, using the different sounds I had found, down at the club.

My main inspirations were the “Blue Man Group” and “Stomp”

Although I have never actually seen the “Blue Man Group”, live, a friend went to Las Vegas a couple of months ago and came back raving about them. 
I have seen “Stomp” three times, each time, discovering new elements that I had missed in the previous viewings.