Saturday 13 November 2010

25) Snippets from the Audio recordings.

Audio Recordings.

I have included some little snippets of the recordings I collected whilst undertaking this piece of coursework.  I haven't included the full length of some of the tracks, because many of the recordings lasted over an hour.  To record the sounds, I used an Olympus WS-100 digital voice recorder. 

Practice swing on the course. 

Putting on the green when an ambulance was driving past.

Driver Hit (Used for the bass drum of my track)

Birds tweeting (Used to create the atmosphere at the beginning of my track)

A practice swing on the driving range.  (Whipping Sound)

Footsteps (Can be heard at the beginning of my piece and also used to create a Snare Drum sound.

Ball rolling into the hole (heard at the end of my piece)

Hitting Balls from the grass

Driving Range atmosphere

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