Tuesday 4 January 2011

Found Sounds.

Ok, so one of my pieces of coursework for uni was creating a found sounds piece. This is where we have to wonder around the house to find things to bash and play in the attempt to create a piece of music.
Although we didn't have to write a blog, I thought I would record it on here because it would be worth remembering in the future.

I found things like glasses, bowls and pans made brilliant sounds. When they were hit, they had a very reverberant sound which could easily be manipulated and edited.

I tied several elastic bands around chairs and pinged them. This created the perfect 'bass' sound. Actually, i'm most proud of this one!

I recorded all the sounds I had and put them into Logic. I right clicked and 'concert to new sampler track'. This then puts them into ESX24. It made it so much easier to work with. Before, I had been dragging everything by hand which is so much more hard work.

So then I listened to Diego Stocco, who I think is incredible! He makes the most amazing music out of the strangest things. I'd never think about using a bonsai tree to create music.

For some reason, I can't upload the photo because my phone is being silly, but when I get the chance, I will upload it through my laptop.

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