Saturday 8 January 2011

I love productive days!

So, what I have I done today?
A couple of days ago (I think it was the first or second of January) I mentioned that my mum had a go at me for not being as adventurous as I used to be, not getting off my bum and all that jazz.

The last couple of days, I've really been trying to pull all the stops out. I've written my CV so I can apply to places and I've started looking at potentials, already.

I found a perfect job at the BBC, which is following the early morning breakfast show on radio 1 (how perfect!!) I've spent so long trying to apply, answering the questions as best as I can and now I've finally sent off the form. When I sent it off, I was so excited. First step done.
I've found a presenting job for science workshops for children, so i'm trying to work my CV to fit in with that.
I've written back to my old school to see if they could possibly take me for a couple of days work experience and if I could take any classes within that.

As much as I hate to admit it, i'm quite glad she gave me a kick up the bum. I've been finding the last couple of days really exciting. The only thing I haven't done, is get on with my research project! Oops!
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