Thursday 6 January 2011

Rainy days.

Rainy days are never very inspiring are they!

I've finally booked my skiing trip to see my Dad, but instead of feeling excited about it, i'm feeling the exact opposite. I'm absolutely dreading going out to see him and I found out, shortly after agreeing dates, that my Step-mother and her family were also going to be there. (The two things I really can't stand!).

Unfortunately, when I am stressed, or worried about something, I feel sick. This means I don't eat anything and people worry about me which makes me more stressed. Last time I was at their house, I was fed fish (which I'm allergic to) and had the Flu (first time I've ever had it).

I'm already terrified about going, so I've already started feeling sick. I'm so scared the same is going to happen as last time and i'm scared they think i'm going to have an eating disorder.

Today, it's raining. It puts such a horrible blanket over the world. It makes everyone feel totally sad and depressed. This definitely isn't helping me.

I wish I could find a way of being able to ignore things. Like when Joe and I have an argument, the same thing happens. I don't know what to do, but I just wish, that somewhere there is going to be a little tummy God who sorts it out for me.

*fingers crossed*
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