Tuesday 4 January 2011

It's only the third of January and there's already too much happening.

So last night, I ended up having one of those awful 'life talks' from my mum. Not only was I told I had no friends, I was also told I had a shit CV. I was also told that I've lost my sense of humour, have no personality and need to lighten up.

So this made me think (as much as I hate to admit it) but maybe I should re think my new years resolutions (or maybe even add these on)

1) Apply to Surrey Arts to become a teacher
2) Apply to the BBC for some work experience
3) Find some more work experience which would help towards teaching and also golf
4) Spend more time with the girls from uni.

I found out yesterday that the group of girls I spent all my time with at school, have pretty much dropped me. I'm now no longer invited to anything. They all had a gathering at New Years Eve, but I was the only one who wasn't invited. I know it's pointless having people in your life who obviously don't care about you, infact aren't even in your life, but it's made me more determined to make more friends at uni. The only thing I find difficult is how we have so much work to do. If I have a free minute in the day, I go home and work on my coursework. Maybe that should be a new years resolution too:

Try and get the work to play ratio more balanced.

This, for me, if a tricky one, but also very much needed.
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