Saturday 13 November 2010

19) A Change of Direction

A Change of Direction.

Thinking I was finished this project, I saw my lecturer for a tutorial.  He talked to me for a while about “loosing control” and taking myself out of my comfort zone.

We talked for a while about my interests and finally came to the conclusion I should try and compose a piece of music about golf. 

Always having been classically trained, I found the thought of this quite daunting.  My thoughts were to do a piece of ambient music, but then decided that was too obvious.  I wanted this piece of coursework to help me overcome some issues I have with certain pieces of software, so I decided I would experiment with using the sampler, EXS24.

I still didn't know what direction I was going to take this piece, so I headed down to the local golf club and recorded all the sounds I heard.  These included: The general ambience, outside (for example, trees rustling, birds and the general chatter of people)

I then moved onto the driving range and recorded the sounds around me.  Unfortunately, whilst recording, a girls school arrived for a group lesson.  Unfortunately, this can obviously be heard throughout the recording.

I came back home and listened back through what I had just recorded and realised I could create a rhythm section, using the different sounds I had found, down at the club.

My main inspirations were the “Blue Man Group” and “Stomp”

Although I have never actually seen the “Blue Man Group”, live, a friend went to Las Vegas a couple of months ago and came back raving about them. 
I have seen “Stomp” three times, each time, discovering new elements that I had missed in the previous viewings.  

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