Friday 12 November 2010

17) Samples


One of my favourite activities is taking a microphone with me and recording sounds.  However, I had difficulty with this piece, because there wasn't, really, an opportunity to include any recorded sounds. 

I recorded the page turns at the beginning of the piece, however, other than this, there wasn't a huge amount I could do.

Originally, I planned to change the EQ on the “plane” sound so it would reflect the fact that it was taking off.  However, after listening to it, I found it really uncomfortable to listen to.  I asked other people what they thought  about it and they also came to the same conclusion.   At first, the changes of EQ were quite extreme but after the comments from peers and family, I changed it so it wasn't quite as harsh.  Although this sounded slightly better, I still wasn't happy with the sound so thought it would be best to take it out completely. 

Before I changed the EQ, I did wonder whether I would be complicating my composition and whether people would understand what I was trying to do.  However, I like to experiment when I compose and, unfortunately in this case, what I tried, didn't work. 

A couple of days later, I had another look at changing the EQ and realised it was just as effective if I changed the EQ, as I did before, but slower and gradually, over a longer period of time. 

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