Thursday 11 November 2010

4) London - one of my favourite cities in the world!

Firstly, I looked at planning a piece about London.  I wrote down the first words which came to my head when thinking about London.  I then travelled up there and took some pictures, which I thought best represented my thoughts. 

I thought about composing a piece following the journey of a taxi driver, or a train/tube driver.  Included in this, would have been the noises of the train doors opening and closing, the announcements and the general chatter of people. The train would also be reflected in the instrumentation, by using instruments such as flutes (reflecting a steam train). 
Cyclic phrases/ repeated phrases, could signify the movement of the train wheels. 

The whole piece would have been heavily influenced by minimalism -
I listened to Steve Reich’s “Different Trains” and listened to the different techniques he uses and tried to figure out how these could be used in my piece.

When researching Steve Reich, I discovered he was influenced by Claude Debussy.  This then moved my thoughts onto a composition about walking down the River, in France.  

Over the next couple of pages, I have included a collection of photos which I believe best represent London. 

After the photos, I have included a copy of my “thoughts of London”.  These, as mentioned before, are the words I first thought of when thinking of London.   

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