Friday 12 November 2010

18) Quotations.


Whilst researching for this composition, I came across several quotes, which made me think about the influence and importance of music in people's lives.

Below, I have included some of the quotations I found.

“Music is the art of thinking with sounds” - Jules Combarieu

“Music is the Universal language of mankind.” - Henry Wadworth Longfellow

“When I don't like a piece of music, I make a point of listening to it more closely”- Florent Schmitt

“Music does bring people together.  It allows us to experience the same emotions.  People everywhere are the same in heart and spirit.” - Unknown

“Where words fail, music speaks” - Hans Christi Andersen quotes.

“Music and rhythm find their way into the secret places of the soul” - Plato. 

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