Friday 12 November 2010

10) Influences - Riverdance


  Whilst composing this piece, I researched several artists and dancers.  My main influence was “Riverdance”  I saw these when I was quite young, but I've never forgotten them.  They always seemed to be full of energy.  This can be seen in their performances and always results in the audience wanting to join them on the stage and dance, too.

The whole show weaves around ancient mythology and Irish history. The story moves from the beginning of the “primitive and powerful world”,  “showing how our ancestors come to terms with the world and with themselves”

The finale is reflecting the point that “we are one kind.  We all one person now, our voices blended, our music a great world in which we can feel everywhere at home.  Together, we are strong.” (Riverdance: 2010)

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